Thursday, June 18, 2009

Choices, Choices, Choices

Occasionally, my dear husband leaves for work in a hurry. Today was one such day. We have no coffee in the house and we're still recovering from our trip. So, with no lunch in hand and no coffee in his system, he offered a quick kiss and ran out the door. We went about our morning changing diapers, getting dressed and straightening up a bit. And then, about 20 minutes after he left, I heard the door open. "Who the heck?!!" I thought to myself. I instructed the children quietly to wait right there and slowly peaked around the corner only to see Mr. Awesome standing there with my favorite coffee drink in hand, grinning from ear to ear.

Isn't he sweet?

On a different topic, I was trying to redirect Kate the other day through giving her choices. The following conversation ensued:

M: Kate, would you rather stop ___ (I can't remember what) or spend some time alone in your room?

K: No, those aren't my choices. I will give you some choices.

Indeed, she then proceeded to offer us some choices:

K: mmmmm... You could give me M&Ms or let me stay here!


  1. What a smart girl! There's no tricking her ;)
    So sweet of your husband by the way!

  2. Kate is so cute. Sebastian is too clever for choices too. He often offers his own, but if we are firm about what the actual choices are, then he will usually pick the right one!

  3. Wow, she's one feisty chick! That's hilarious...although I'm sure for you while it was happening, it wasn't so hilarious.
    Anyway, I'll take the M&M's.
    Very sweet of Mark; he wins cool points.

  4. So how does Love and Logic address that? :)

  5. Of course ! My grandchildren are brillant!
    Mama D

  6. Their grandmother on the other hand...can't even spell. I don't think brilliant is a third grade guarantee word. I'll get back to you on that one!

    Mama D
