... We had a little family date. I've always made a home made cake for my kids birthday. Mark and I usually have a lot of fun doing this - it's a bit of a creative, artistic outlet for us. This year, however, I just wasn't up for the challenge, so we opted for a pull apart cake from Publix of the "Garden Princess Party" variety. Kate was pretty darn excited about it and she thought it was pretty neat looking. But when it came to indulge, I noticed she had taken one bite and left it. I asked her why she wasn't eating her cake, to which she replied in a "I don't want to offend" sort of way, "well, I just don't really care for it." I have to admit two things: 1) it was pretty gross and 2) it was actually a rather proud moment of my parenting career. Kind of like the moment 6 months ago when I realized that my kids didn't know what Mc. Donald's was called (that has changed in these past few months, unfortunately). Anywho, I've been wanting to go out with Mark for coffee and dessert for a long time now. But since babysitting is scarce and it's a bit hard to leave little Jack yet, we opted for a family date for coffee and cake at the Grand Lux Cafe. And We had a great time!