Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am also Pondering:

Moving all my blogging/ baby updates to this page. I have really loved babyhomepages for a lot of reasons, but this site is free and, at this point in our life, that is a very compelling reason. So far I've used this page mostly as a little journal where I write down thoughts (mostly spiritual) that I want to return to and I like having that space, but I guess I could consolidate. Some worries:

-I really like the "photo album" aspect of babyhomepages. I believe I would have to keep up this blog AND use some sort of site (i.e. picasa) to have the same effect?

-Another plus that builds on the last is that babyhomepages is one stop shopping, so to speak. I can upload photos, have the photo in album, relay stories, and have a guest book all in one place... Oh and I almost forgot, you can also buy prints from babyhomepages.

-Babyhomepages will send you a PDF of the entirety of your content for a minimal fee, which will then serve as my baby book/ memory book for the kids.

-I tried sites like picasa and (what's the name of that other one again?) and you can't upload multiple pics at a time... ughhh. Oh, and you only get a certain amount of space free and then have to start paying for it.

-Can you buy calendar/ albums/ prints from sites like picasa?

So, my question to you, dear readers ( I think there are about four of you ;), is how can I do all the things I listed above in an easy, one stop way with a blog. If I can't, I might just consider going with what we have for now (at least until we move). Also, do any of you like babyhomepages/ keep up with us through that site? Would any of you have a preference?

Ok, so, do any of you have any good advice/ info for me about this? I would really appreciate it and it would really help us make our decision over here. Thanks!


  1. I hardly ever check your babyhomepages site b/c there is no "subscribe" or "follow" option that I am aware of and I am too forgetful/lazy to actually open a separate tab or window and navigate to the site, especially when there may not be anything new there when I do.

  2. I read both. I have both links on my blog page so I just go down the list. No biggie.

    As you know, we have Flickr and blogspot. Flickr serves the photo album function and blogspot, the journaling (though I post a crap ton of pics on there too). You can order photo products through Flickr, but I never do. I rarely print anymore, and when I do, I'm a Walgreens kind of gal ; )

    And Bridget, you can make a new blog for every day of the week and I'm going to stalk your super cute

  3. Hi Bridge,

    I think more people keep up to date on what's happening with you than you think ;-)

    I read both - mostly babyhomepages cos you're quite active there, but where ever you have info, people will check it out!

    The advantage of babyhomepages is that stories and pics are all together - but you could do that here by just posting a link to the pics whenever you upload new ones.

    I've used pixum for pictures (not sure if it's in America as well - it's well-known in Europe) and you're able to upload lots of pics at once and get them developed, make picture books etc.

    Laura (from Ireland/Germany!) xxx
