Tuesday, December 13, 2011

40 Weeks & Round One

This picture was taken at 40 weeks while I was in the hospital with an attempted induction. The reason for the induction is a very LONG story and something I may blog about in the future, but for now it will suffice to say that it simply didn't work. For the record, I was incredibly skeptical that it would. I spent the night in the hospital with cervadil... nothing. Then an entire day on pitocin... nada. The pit got as high as safely possible, but just wasn't making the contractions long enough or strong enough. I left the hospital after 24 hours dilated to, ummm, maybe a 2. Maybe. So now we wait... and wait and wait, I guess. Since Kate was 9 days past and Luke 11, I suppose it's a bit early still. I head to the midwife tomorrow to see how everything looks and will post more info if I have some. For the record, please don't suggest that I just go eat something spicy or go for a long walk. If a 24 hour induction that works for almost everybody failed for me, I have no faith in some spicy burrito -though it does sound pretty good. :)

We'll keep you posted here (and on fb of course) when things finally get moving again.


  1. Oh my! That is just crazy. Your babies just know when they are ready, don't they! Haha Well, I hope you stay as comfortable as possible until this little one decides to come. :)

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. I feel for you. I really, really do. I hope you are in good spirits!
